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There are several opportunities for loan repayment of certain healthcare professions through the Health Resource Services Administration (HRSA) and the Missouri Department of Health and Human Services (DHSS). Providers would need to be employed with specific agencies such as Federally Qualified Health Centers, Safety Net Hospitals, or communities with certain MUA or HPSA scores (Medically Underserved Areas or Health Professions Shortage Areas). You can use these tools to see what sites and counties are eligible:
HPSA Shortage Areas
MUA Shortage Areas
Federal Loan Repayment opportunities
There are three federal programs. All loans use the same application,
but you can only apply to ONE program.
National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment
National Health Service Corps Substance Use Disorder
National Health Service Corps Rural Community Loan Repayment
Compare the three loan programs here.
Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program
The Nurse Corps Lona programs applies to Registered Nurses, Advanced Nurse Practitioners and certified Nurse Midwives.
Nurses can compare the National Health Service Corps loans with the Nurse Corps Loan programs.
You will need to review the website, determine which loan to apply for, and then create an account and begin an application. Once you decide, applications become available as early as December each year.
Missouri State Loan Repayment opportunities
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services offers a loan repayment program for some health professions.
Disciplines include Cardiology, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Respiratory Therapy, Mental Health Professions, and Public Health nurses (APN, BSN, APRN, NP)
Specific information on the program can be found here:
Click on the following logos to reach websites that offer scholarships to students in training.
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